A Scarf Like No Other


"I can't believe someone in America likes something I made."
- Afghan Widow

In the Fall of 2017 we were able to directly help 20 Afghan women through the sales of their scarfs. Some of them used the income to purchase winter clothes, others used it for school supplies for their kids and all of them use this income to help keep their kids off the streets working under age where they are prime recruitment targets for criminals and extremists. 

Our scarves are special because of the story they tell. They represent women who are artisans, fighters, heroes, and much much more. To them, sewing scarves isn't just employment, it's a rare opportunity to socialize outside her home. It's one of the few creative outlets women are afforded  and it's a way for her to build a better future for her children.

These women want you to be part of their story. They want you to know about their lives: the good and the bad. When you wear a scarf they made, they want you to wear it with pride because knowing that you like something they created is the best compliment they'll likely receive. 

Allow us to make this connection. Buy a scarf and become a bright spot in an amazing woman's life.