Educating Afghan Women


Available units: -7

When you see tragedy around the world do you view it as a reason to throw in the towel or a reason to strengthen your resolve and work harder for the world? Team FS deployed to Afghanistan in 2011 and witnessed the oppression and desperation of widows and their children.  We heard that insurgent groups preyed on young boys begging on the streets of Kabul because their families were starving. Ever since, we've dedicated our lives to bringing together people who are determined to help empower those women, girls, and boys with the skills they need to lift themselves from poverty and standup for their rights. We don't give hand-outs, we create opportunity and these incredible women and children do the rest. Hopelessness is the tinder for terrorism. Let's suffocate the fire with education, opportunity, and equality!

FS is a 501(c)3 certified non-profit social enterprise. So your contributions are tax-deductible.